秉持著經典、耐用和高質感理念的比利時品牌 Hvid 全系列商品皆採用100%義大利OEKO-TEK的極細緻的美麗諾羊毛手工製作而成的。比羊毛更微柔軟親膚、透氣,具有低過敏性,最適合寶寶嬌嫩的肌膚。美麗諾羊毛可以幫助調節體溫,讓寶寶乾燥舒適,保持溫暖,恆定合適的溫度也可使寶寶更好入睡。
HVID 小鞋子與帽子很適合拍寶寶寫真照
- 100 % Extra Fine Italian Merino Wool 美麗諾羊毛 (OEKO-TEX)
- 適合年齡:0-9M
- 長度:9.5cm
- MERINO WOOL 羊毛面料不需經常清洗,可置於通風處即可
- 手洗,溫水30度,使用羊毛專用洗滌劑
- 不可烘乾
Praised for a perfect fit on the heel.
The lacets ensure the booties stay on tiny babyfeet.
- 0-9 months for a perfect fit but these boots : original booties: 9,5cm lenghth - 6 cm width
- Material: 100 % extra fine Italian merinowool (oeko-tex,mulesing free).
- It's not necessary to wash merinowool frequently. This fiber is selfcleaning.
- It's perfect to just air outside.
- Otherwise wash it very gently by hand with lukewarm water of MAX.30°
- Use a wool detergent to wash
- Machinewash only on a WOOLPROGRAM 20°,low speed, at one's own risk as we cannot guarantee the individual program settings on the washing machines.
- Merinowool doesn't itch and is antibacterial and therefor perfect for kids with eczema or sensitive skin
- Made in Belgium